The Terra-Belle Ancestors, Chapter 12

“Hey, Coach Jackson!” Huey nervously communicated to Fletcher as he glanced around the tall trees and thick fog.

Fletcher maintained a cautious eye on the path ahead of us, but he still responded to Huey, “What?”

Huey relayed to him, “I changed my mind! I wanna play volleyball now!”

After rubbing his temples in a frustrated fashion, Fletcher articulated, “It’s too late for that now! But I want you to remember this experience when we get back, and-!”

“Their memory of this experience will get completely wiped out when we go back to the Earthly Realm,” I informed Fletcher.

“Lucky them!” Aleck muttered as he untangled himself from a pointy branch. “I wish the monsters would hurry up and bother us already! Sam only agreed to watch my students ‘cause I told him I’d be back in a minute!”

Phoebe remarked, “No one is watching my kids! I said I was going to the bathroom real fast… which I still need to do!” She clutched her stomach, and then she notified us, “I’ll be right back!”

Ginger critiqued her decision to run into the thicket, “You can’t go potty in the woods! There are bugs there!”

“And possibly monsters!” Kamali added.

“Oh, come on! What are the odds she’d run into a monster at this precise moment?” Jasper pushed back against that notion.

From the spot Phoebe chose to occupy, we heard a male’s voice cry out in anguish! Phoebe reemerged, and after hoisting up her pantaloons, she announced, “I found the next monster! Maybe if we run, we can-!”

A statuesque wolf in people’s clothing entered onto the scene walking on his hind legs and glowered at us. “You humans are disgusting! You think you can leave your droppings just anywhere, huh?” As the boys huddled together in fright, he threatened, “You’ll pay for your misdeeds!”

The adults prepared to fight the wolf, but the children whimpered at this terrifying development. Jimmy exclaimed, “Oh no! We’re gonna get eaten by the Big Bad Wolf!”

“Hey! Who are you calling big?” The wolf shielded his guy from our view as much as he could.

“Isn’t that your name?” George inquired.

Quite affronted, the wolf replied, “Wow! Who taught you your manners?”

Huey indicated to my friends and me standing behind him. “These guys did!”

The other five awkwardly waved at him, but this interaction struck me with interaction, so I hurried over to the boys and whispered, “Forget all the rules of politeness we gave you! Be as mean as possible to this wolf!”

“Are you giving us permission to bully someone, Mister Fenmore?” Jimmy incredulously asked.

“No, in this instance, I’m encouraging it!” I answered.

The wolf bristled at their rudeness. “Ooh! I’m going to thoroughly enjoy killing you!”

I urged the boys, “Do it! Now!”

“How are you gonna kill us?” George somewhat timidly spoke to the wolf. “Are you gonna breathe your nasty breath on us?”

“My breath doesn’t smell!” the wolf indignantly stated.

The boys began to pick up on the wolf’s vulnerability, so Huey more jocularly jeered, “Maybe that’s his nasty feet we smell! He’s not even wearing shoes!”

Getting rather depressed, the wolf spat, “It’s hard to get footwear for paws!”

“Guys, he’s probably too poor to afford any shoes!” Jimmy snickered. “I mean, who’s gonna hire this nasty creature? He can’t draw a salary!”

“You’re all just… cruel!” The wolf busted out into tears and ran back into the knotty trees as the entire class laughed at him.

Ellie amusedly noted, “Teenage callousness has its place!” As the boys celebrated their victory, Ellie advised them, “Let’s not give him a chance to rebuild his self-esteem! Get a move on!”

We soon came to a babbling brook with a stone bridge above it. Prior to anyone setting foot on the span, I held my arms out so no one could embark on it. “Hold on! If I remember my fairytales correctly, there’s a troll underneath that bridge!”

“Who said we were in a fairytale?” Ginger challenged me.

“I dunno!” I shrugged. “The Big Bad Wolf thing made me go the fairytale route I guess!”

Jasper opined, “Seeing how it’s our only route forward, it couldn’t hurt to see if there was some sort of trap there.”

Natalia declared, “I’ve got this!” She took off a shoe and hurled it onto the span. Within seconds, a creature with brown fur, pointy ears, fangs, and a portly belly sprang out and ravenously devoured her footwear! When it realized it had been tricked, it glared at us and retreated into its shelter. Natalia bemoaned, “Oh, great! Now, I gotta get another pair!”

“Wow! I’m not used to hearing a woman complain about having to go shopping to expand her wardrobe!” Aleck commented.

“I’m from Heaven- there aren’t exactly a lot of malls in a place that doesn’t use money!” Natalia huffed. After I emitted a noise of disappointment at the premise of a favorite hangout of mine not having any residency up there, she continued, “I gotta get another pair from the Big Guy!”

George puzzled, “The Big Guy? Do you mean…?”

Osra elucidated, “He goes by many names! God, Spirit, Lord, Zeus, Brahma, the sun, Yahweh, Jeff…”

Ginger questioned that, “Jeff?”

After sighing, Osra clarified, “It was a cult thing!”

“Maybe we can ask him nicely to let us pass,” Phoebe suggested.

“I don’t think we have time to ask Him for a favor right now!” Kendra put in.

Connor gently corrected her misimpression, “I think she meant the troll.”

Kamali scoffed at that notion, “Who’s gonna volunteer for that death trap?”

“Aren’t you guys dead?” Jimmy pressed him.

“Yeah, but our spirits can still perish!” Kamali shot back.

Eamon audaciously asserted, “This task requires someone that’s nimble and quick enough to flee should things go awry, and none of you possess that quality! And, while I do, I cannot possibly perform this feat because…” When he realized the fault in his logic, he dismally went forward. “Alright, I shall make this attempt!”

He gingerly approached the troll’s proximity at the foot of the bridge, and he politely addressed it, “Excuse me, dear chap! My companions and I would like a hasty use of your domain. It seems mutually beneficial to not quarrel with one another, so I propose a peace agreement between both parties. What say you?” The troll did not come out or even acknowledge that it heard Eamon, so Eamon begrudgingly accepted that he would have to broach the beast’s terrain. As he carefully approached the span, he kept striving to negotiate with the troll, “If there is some other toll we must pay, we-.”

Prior to him getting to finish that sentence, the troll scurried out from its site of refuge and charged at Eamon at full speed! Eamon sprang off the structure in time to stay safe, and he rejoined our group with a visibly shaken visage. Fletcher tersely posed to everyone, “Now what? Do we gotta kill the varmint?”

“What if we built our own bridge?” Ginger propositioned.

“That’ll take too long!” Aleck argued.

Ginger contended, “I don’t mean anything fancy! We could use a tree trunk or even some large rocks! I see some over by the bank there…” As she went to retrieve them, she tripped over an unknown commodity behind a bush! “Man, I wish they didn’t put me in a skirt for this!” The boys rushed over to catch a glimpse of this sight, but preceding their arrival, Ginger already stood back up. After they groaned from disappointment, Ginger announced, “This is what tripped me!”

She held up an archaic volleyball, and George perplexedly regarded Ellie, “Missus Wayan, didn’t you say they invented that sport in the eighteen-hundreds?”

“Oh sure, now you’re paying attention to the facts I present!” Ellie pouted.

“Property of the Three Little Pigs!” Osra read some writing off of the volleyball. “I guess that other beast really was the Big Bad Wolf!”

At that moment, a lightbulb went off in Fletcher’s head. “Hey! We can use this to clock that sucker! We can lure him out, and then- bam! We can move on!”

Natalia folded her arms defiantly. “I’m not using my other shoe! Someone else can sacrifice their footwear!”

“What if we use this long stick?” Kalmali picked up a slender and lengthy twig high enough so we could all see it.

“Oh, fine! Make me look foolish!” Natalia sulked.

Fletcher instructed, “Alright, you three reach that branch out as far as you can, and as soon as that troll comes out, serve the ball to him, Huey!”

Huey objected, “Why me? I know I said I wanted to play volleyball earlier, but… Why can’t he do it?” He indicated to George. “He’s the one who brought us here, and you said his form was so awesome!”

“He was only saying that to distract him from his weird eyes!” Jimmy disputed. “Besides, you’ll be a big hero, so you should cherish this honor!”

“Okay, you do it then if it’s such a big honor!” Huey tried to hand the ball to Jimmy.

Jimmy threw his hands up in refusal. “No way, man!”

The boys began to bicker, so Fletcher intervened, “Shut it! You wanna know why you, Huey? This nonsense! Quit it and let’s get this over with already!”

Kamali, Phoebe, and I guided the narrow piece of lumber to the bridge, and Huey nervously readied himself to complete the task. When our sprig finally reached far enough on the span, the troll shot out with its usual fervor. Huey launched his projectile, and…

“Wow! You missed the bridge completely!” Kendra noted.

“I told you not to let me do it!” Huey vehemently reacted. “I choke under pressure!”

Ginger asserted, “It’s all about angles! If you hit it from the right point, your trajectory will follow a motion that-!”

Cutting off her geometry lecture, I directed everyone, “Hey! Look at the ball!”

“I get it! My aim sucked!” Huey grumped.

“No! See how it’s sitting in the river…” I alluded to the spot it rested at, and everyone could discern it was only partially submerged.

Osra raved, “It’s been shallow all along! Ugh! Let’s go!”

We all heeded her decree and crossed the wet ravine. Ginger tossed the ball out of her pathway, and we heard the unmistakable sound of it landing on the Big Bad Wolf! We eagerly trudged through the brook to avoid dealing with that annoying foe once more!

“Are we there yet?” George moaned as we trekked through a shadowy sector of the woods.

“Yeah, but we kept going for the fun of it!” I sarcastically verbalized to him.

George’s eyes widened at that concept. “Are you serious?”

I irritably assured him, “No! You’ll know when we’ve found the Gilded Pheasant ‘cause we’ll have to fend off the dragon guarding it!”

Aleck probed, “How do you know it’ll be a dragon?”

“Because that’s the ultimate boss in fairytales,” I reasoned.

“Not necessarily,” Phoebe differed. “There could be a blood-thirsty giant or a witch with powerful spell-casting abilities! Gosh, I don’t know what to root for!”

Aleck opined, “We’ve dealt with giant creatures and jinxes before, and we know we can deal with them with whatever random crap is at our disposal. We were only able to defeat that dragon ‘cause I concocted a substance that combusted in its digestive system. We don’t have any of that at our disposal unless we happen to come across Merlin’s hut!”

Kendra protested his imagery, “Merlin didn’t live in a hut! He shared residence with us in Tintagel! A hut would’ve been nice for him- he was clumsy and destroyed several vases and small tables!”

Everybody except for the rest of my ancestors garnered so many questions about that revelation, but prior to any of us getting to delve into that subject, a puff of gray smoke blocked our route! We heard some guttural growling, and the entire collective understood what that implicated. Ginger tried to encourage us, “Maybe it’s a little dragon!”

We tiptoed around some hedges bordering a rocky crag. When we reached the edge, we warily peeked around the corner to behold what we were destined to duel. We all hoped for Ginger’s prediction to manifest, but in reality, we all expected a giant monster to greet our view. What we didn’t expect to espy was…

Small Business Saturday

Helping one person may seem small, but it has a big impact on that one person! Think about when you needed assistance & who came to lent you a hand, it meant the world to you! When your neighbors call for support, don’t forget how it felt to get aid in an hour of need and answer it! If everyone adopted this practice, our whole community would change for the better! Your little actions have a larger impact than you think!

Happy Small Business Saturday! If you’re shopping today, don’t forget to support a small business! Many of them are available online now too ☺️

And Indie Authors count as small businesses! If you’d like to support one of my 5 self-published books, check out my link to A Christmas Void below:

Crimes of the Fay II, Chapter 27

Aidan rang his hands anxiously as I glanced around the room in order to find something to distract me from my apprehension. That didn’t help because the walls were plastered with posters of women with pregnant bellies and babies! I spotted a bulletin that depicted various different std’s, and while they were hard to look at, it did momentarily make me forget what I was scared of! “Ben almost gave me that one!” I pointed to one of the panals, and Aidan ogled me in suprise. I expounded on that subject, “When he got busted with that prostitute, they gave him a physical exam, and he had it! Thank goodness I wasn’t sleeping with him towards the end of our marriage!

He twitched his mouth as though he wanted to smile, but a smile never fully formed! “I guess the one plus side to him becoming a Fay was that all of the maladies he sustained as a living being vanished!” We chuckled slightly, but neither of us could think of any avenue in which we could have carried on this topic, so we sat in an awkward silence once more. After a minute or two, Aidan conversed, “So, a Hawaiian doctor is gonna examine you? That’s pretty cool!”

“Not really!” I refuted. “He’s a doctor who happens to live in Hawaii- he’s not any different than a mainland doctor! What, do you imagine he’s gonna come in with hula gear on or something?”

“Sorry I’m late!” A tall and extremely stocky man entered wearing a white lab coat, board shorts with a tropical, floral print, and a bare chest! He moved his braided ponytail out of the way of his stethoscope, and his sandals squeaked as he moved across the floor! “Festival practice ran long!”

I retracted my previous statement to Aidan, “Then again, maybe he is uniquely Hawaiian!”

The doctor offered, “I can change into sandals if it this bothers you, but I figured expediency would be a greater priority.”

“This is fine! Let’s get this over with!” My heart started pumping wildly as I wondered about all of the different possibilities of my conditions’ origin, and I didn’t want to wait a second longer than I had to in order to confirm what I suspected!

“Right! Well, I’m Doctor Makalo Iona, nice to meet you!” He shook my hand as well as Aidan’s, and then he sat on a stool and scanned a file. “You must be Mister and Missus Swetinbedde.”

I couldn’t resist getting choked up from this! It was difficult enough acting like a married couple prior to my readiness to say my vows, but now we were these newlyweds with an infant possibly in the works! And we would have to raise him or her in that hayloft with eight other people and eight cats too! Maybe nine if the shelter permitted Mom to keep Jinx! All of the milestones I thought I had a choice on got rushed, and I didn’t even have the comfort of my true home to fall back on! It sort of irritated me that I began crying since I worried that this might slow the process down! I needed to hear the bad news quickly so I could grab a tray of brownies and nurse my emotional wounds immediately!

Aidan rushed to my side and put his arms around my shoulders, and Doctor Iona pat my hand sympathetically. “Hey, hey! It’s going to be okay! ” Doctor Iona reassured me. “Whatever the results are, we’ll take care of it! Alright?” He seemed so confident in obtaining a solution that I ceased my sobbing, and once he saw that, he instructed, “Go ahead and lift up your gown so I can examine your belly.”

“Do you hear anything?” Aidan inquired as Doctor Iona placed his stethoscope on various points of my abdomen.

“I can hear her lunch digesting,” Doctor Iona replied. “You’ll have to do a BM in an hour.”

I was slightly relieved to receive a tiny bit of goodness to look forward to! “Oh, finally! It’s been so long!”

Doctor Iona read my file again and asked me, “You’ve been experiencing frequent urination, avoidance of alcohol, and mood swings. Any pain or abnormal periods?”

“Oh, I can’t remember when I last menstruated! It’s been more than a month!” I bit my lip in fears of the outcome of this only leading in a single direction!

“It’s alright- it’s a doctor exam, not a game show! There’s no wrong response!” Doctor Iona ensured me. He took out his wand and informed me, “Hang tight- I’m going to do an imaging spell.”

I gripped Aidan’s hand tightly- too tightly! He wanted to be supportive, but he couldn’t focus on anything else but his pain! Oops! I was too terrified to apologize right then, and after Doctor Iona’s wand floated over my torso, all I could concentrate on was mentally preparing myself for what was doomed to transpire! The wand emitted a white glow as it slowly hovered over me, and once it traveled from one side to another, it floated back into Doctor Iona’s palm. He walked over to a screen behind Aidan, and we braced ourselves for an emotionally ominous impact! Doctor Iona studied the image that developed on the screen, and he gasped, “Oh no!”

Aidan and I grew positively alarmed at this spectacle! I mean, if a physician ever says something like that upon seeing your results, it can’t be anything good! “What? What is it? Is something wrong?” Aidan pressed him.

“Yeah… I have to use the restroom! Excuse me!” He dashed out of the room.

“Wow! Thanks for giving us both heart attacks!” Aidan bitterly muttered.

I requested to Aidan, “Can you see what’s on the slide?” My pulse skyrocketed as he looked at the screen! At least, it did for a flash. After a considerable stretch, I got impatient and grilled him, “Well? What do you see?”

Aidan reported, “Nothing appears human shaped!”

“You know, it takes a while for a fetus to develop human parts,” I illuminated him. “Mom said if I’m eight weeks along, it’ll look like a blueberry.”

“Oh, in that case, there is something there!” Aidan told me with his skin growing pale as a ghost.

“Holy crap! We’re having a child?” I exclaimed in disbelief. Even though this was the result I expected, my brain still didn’t want to accept it. I was leery about Mom bringing another cat into the house, and I didn’t relish bringing another person into that chaos!

Aidan stammered, “We’re… You… There’s multiple masses in there!”

In that instance, I could have sworn that my eyes grew wider than my head! “Multiple masses? So, we’re having twins? Triplets?”

“There’s five there minimum!” Aidan croaked out.

“Five?” I nearly fainted! Laraleigh struggled immensely with her five kids, and she had them all separately! I couldn’t imagine how intense it would be to have them all at once! We would have to buy five cribs and stuff them into our small apartment! Well, when we finally go to leave Witness Protection anyways! I reckoned we could squeeze them into that stupid barn without a fuss! But I didn’t want to do that! I severely wanted to go back to my old life as a detective by day and a supportive girlfriend at night! That was never going to happen ever again though! I realized my entire lifestyle was about to get altered- again! Nothing would ever return to what made me happiest!
I started bawling again when Doctor Iona re-entered into the vicinity. He espied Aidan’s position, and he jocularly commented, “Ah! You cheated!”

Aidan disputed that, “No, her ex cheated! I never… Oh, you meant the image! Well, now we know we’re about to to parents to… uh, five-tuplets? I don’t know the word for it!”

“It’s quintuplets,” Doctor Iona educated him. “And you’re not having quintuplets. You’re not having a baby at all!”

“So, what is it? Some kind of curse?” I puzzled. I wouldn’t have put it past Wade to pull a stunt like that as a cruel joke and/or to keep me distracted from his activity! I began to wonder if his silhouette showed up in Kai Lawai’a to do more than buy a bag of flies…

Doctor Iona announced, “You have fibroids. They’re basically small tumors. Don’t freak out!” He beheld our horrified faces, and prior to us exhibiting a strong reaction, he explained, “They’re benign, and actually, they’re super common! Up ot eighty percent of women have them and don’t know it! Most of t he time, they show up and just hang out there. Kinda like a wart!”

I asked him, “So, my uterus will simply have to settle for being pop marked like an ugly, old witch?”

“No,” Doctor Iona answered. “You’re one of the cases where they start to grow and cause uncomfortable symptoms. We’re going to have to remove them, but you should count yourself lucky!”

“Uh-huh… This outta be good!” I sardonically remarked.

Doctor Iona asserted, “You’re lucky ’cause you came to ME with this issue! Not to toot my own horn… Well, maybe a little! But many other ob/gyn’s don’t have the surgical skill to remove fibroids! Several will advise their patients to get pregnant fast, and in a few years, it’ll grow enough where they have to take their entire uterus out! You get to keep yours and have a baby when you please! And you’re lucky that they’re fairly small ones, so the surgery won’t be too complicated! Once, I had a lady with a fibroid the size of a watermelon!”

Aidan’s jaw dropped, and I begrudgingly admitted, “Fine, that was pretty good!”

“I have an open spot this Friday,” Doctor Iona let us know. “Or at least I will when I cancel festival practice. Mahina really needs the extra work, but it’ll be solid overall! Ugh, I hope she practices what she can on her own!”

“Maybe you can get someone else to run the practice,” Aidan suggested.

Doctor Iona rubbed his chin contemplatively. “Hmm… Ricky might be able to, but he’s so timid when it comes to taking charge…”

Aidan advocated, “Maybe Ricky would do great as a leader and just needs someone to give him a chance!”

“Perhaps…” Doctor Iona considered this notion.

“Um, hello? Can we get back to me and my ugly uterus?” I vociferated to get their attention.

Doctor Iona shook his focus off of that situation, and then he instructed me, “Come in at noon on Friday. Don’t eat anything for eight hours before that juncture! Do you have any questions?”

Aidan posed to him, “Can you prescribe something for the pain?”

“Sure, how much pain are you in, Missus Swetinbedde?” Doctor Iona opened up his prescription pad and readied himself to write something down.

“I don’t need anything, I’ll feel fantasti in an hour when I have that BM!” I contemplated that sentence for a moment, and then I altered my sentiments, “What am I saying? I’m having surgery in a couple of days! That’s not something I even dreamt up in my nightmares! True, I suffered worse fates than that in my worst dreams, but still! It’s absolutely frightening to have to have my body cut open like that! Yeah, I originally believed I was gonna give birth, so I guess either way, I was doomed to have something extracted from me!”

Doctor Iona consoled me, “It’s only a small incision, and then magic does the rest.”

That didn’t comfort me much. I felt grateful that I didn’t have a bun in the oven when the kitchen was essentially on fire, but this circumstance wasn’t optimal either! I wasn’t ready to become a mommy, but I wasn’t ready for an operation either! “Are we done here?”

“We’re done here,” Doctor Iona confirmed.

“Hold on! We’re not done yet!” Aidan differed. “That pain medicine question was for me!”

Aidan motioned towards the extremity I clutched with too much force, and normally, I would have begged for forgiveness for that, but I was rather preoccupied in that instance! While Doctor Iona acquiesced to his wish, I slipped out into the hallway. It seemed like the receptionist was motioning towards the billing department, but I planned on letting Aidan take care of that. Right then, I needed to be alone and figure out where this procedure fit into the rest of the pandemonium that comprised my existence!